Tuesday, February 21, 2012

God Likes Me to Wake Up Early!

I was undisciplined and loved to sleep "late" even though THAT was never gonna happen. You would have thought it was a sin to get some rest when I was going through mommy-boot-camp. God's boot camp. I knew the "Proverbs 31 woman" got up "while it was still dark" to begin serving her family. I also believed people should be up with the roosters ideally--I mean, roosters ARE God's alarm clocks for us; or  were BEFORE technology and big city. I was growing more and more in the Lord when this hapened:  My house sat up high so that knocking on my bedroom window would be a dangerous balance without a ladder. Nevertheless, at the crack of dawn twice in my life, I have had angels knock on my window to get me up out of the bed. zzzzzz  How did I decide it was an angel? My grandmother Lucy mentioned that angels have knocked on her window to wake her early mornings and she said it  a few days after my experiencing it! Mandible dropped to the floor when she said it! I couldn't interrupt her fast enough....it validated what I had thought.  I wish God was all around me like this all the time. I think He is more active in our lives at different times.

Another thought....
 People talk about God waking them up to pray. He was waking me every morning exactly at 4:15. I was soo lazy that I failed Him. I just had heavy eyes and zzzzz.  I went to church one day and the  pastor speaking said that God had been waking him every morning at 4:15! I wanted to shout out but I had been unfaithful. He quit waking me up and I regret my laziness. Never forget though, that His mercy is new every morning and if you draw near to Him, He draws near to you!