Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oil & Water

Living in the dorms of a strict Baptist college, my wild roomate and I were weary of being “good.” We wanted to have a good time but seemed to have no options. We decided there was nothing wrong with what we were planning to do but we were going to keep it quiet because other Christians wouldn’t understand. Well, toward the end of the night, I was ready to call our fun quits but she wasn’t. She dragged in very late, drunk and with a new boyfriend from campus (that wasn’t right for her).

The next morning I dragged myself to church, alone, feeling very guilty and hypocritical. The class prayed for me right there that day as I confessed on my own free will of how miserable I felt. When I got back to our room, my roommate and I were like oil and water. The room was filled with such tension and division from that point on that I could barely stand to be in my own room!

One weekend she left and stayed out of town so I finally could relax in my own domain. It occurred to me from another person’s testimony that I might could touch everything in her room with olive oil and pray for her as I went around the room and perhaps it would restore what had been lost and bring back the peace. So, I sang and praised God, alone, in our dorm room and anointed her shoes with prayer and each and every hanger she would touch to get her clothes down and the stereo knobs, etc.

When she came back, I left. I was gone a couple of days, but when I came back and walked through the door, she had Christ adoring music playing and had taped notebook paper ALL OVER the entire dorm room (my side, too) with messages of repentance and forgiveness and prayers for God to forgive her. Like I anointed the room everywhere, so did she.  She apologized for our problems and I stood amazed looking around the room at about eight or nine notes taped randomly in our small concrete room. I was told it wasn’t the oil as much as it was my faith. “The anointing breaks the yoke.” Isaiah 10:27

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